The RCR undergraduate radiology Society of the Year
LEARN MOREApplications are open!
Deadline is 5pm, 25 March 2025
Introduced in 2018, this annual award funded by The Royal College of Radiologists is intended to reward undergraduate radiology societies who have been active during the preceding year. The scoring process for applications will place value on societies that have a plan for sustainability and those that have been innovative in their activities.
£200 to be used to fund a society event.
The award is open to any undergraduate radiology/imaging society at any UK medical school. The lead applicant should usually be the medical student lead/co-lead for the society.
To apply
Applications should be submitted by email to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday, 28th March 2025 and must include all the following:
- Name of society
- Named applicant (normally the lead for the society) full name, address and medical school affiliation
- A letter of support from a member or Fellow of the RCR (trainee or consultant), or medical school lead
- A detailed description of the society’s activities covering the following areas:
- Background and aims of the society (how and why it was established) (max. 200 words)
- A detailed description of the activity of the society over the past year to include details of events etc. run by the society (max. 500 words)
- An outline of the sustainability plan for the society (to include membership numbers and plans to maintain/increase membership) max. 200 words
- A summary of the society’s plans (max. 200 words)
How applications will be assessed:
Applications will be assessed and awarded by the RCR's undergraduate radiology steering committee. The following criteria will be considered:
- Level and breadth of activity
- Innovation and excellence
- Plans and evidence of sustainability.
*Successful applicants may be invited to present the results of their work at an appropriate RCR meeting.
Enquiries should be directed to [email protected]
This presentation was developed independently and the information provided in this video does not represent RCR guidance or endorsement.
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