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The clinical radiology undergraduate essay prize


Applications are open!

Deadline is 5pm, 28 March 2025

The essay prize is intended to enhance medical students' experience of clinical radiology. This prize is for an essay either on a topic relevant to clinical radiology or describing a personal experience of working in a department of clinical radiology during an elective period or vacation.




UK medical students

To apply

Applications should be submitted by email to [email protected] no later than 5 pm on Friday, 28th March 2025. The Royal College of Radiologists' clinical radiology ambassadors will consider the applications and decide on a winning essay. Their decision is final and binding. Applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application as soon as possible after the decision.

Applications should comprise:

  • An indication of which prize the application is for.
  • The student's full name, permanent address, and medical school.
  • The essay, which should not exceed 4000 words including references and tables. Please note only the first 4000 words will be assessed.
  • A supporting statement from a Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists, a medical school lead, or consultant project lead, who is aware of the student's work, confirming the essay is the original work of the applicant.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Background information/research
  • Relevance of subject matter
  • Essay structure and presentation
  • Quality of report
  • Conclusion

Enquiries should be directed to [email protected] 

Previous recipients of the clinical radiology undergraduate research and essay prizes

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