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Awards for training, education and exams

Undergraduates who engaged in elective periods or studied abroad, as well as societies that demonstrated activity in the preceding year, can receive prizes, awards and fellowships.

See all awards for training, education and exams

The Undergraduate Education Innovation and Excellence Award - Clinical Radiology

The prize is intended to reward medical students, clinical oncology trainees or consultants who have developed and implemented innovative projects in the field of undergraduate education.

The Undergraduate Education Innovation and Excellence Award - Clinical Oncology

Introduced in 2018, this annual award funded by the Royal College of Radiologists, is to recognise and reward innovation and excellence in undergraduate radiology education. 

The RCR undergraduate radiology Society of the Year

This annual award is intended to reward undergraduate radiology societies that have been active during the preceding year.

The RCR undergraduate oncology Society of the Year

The award is open to any undergraduate oncology society at any UK medical school. The lead applicant should usually be the medical student lead/co-lead for the society.

Undergraduate elective bursaries - Clinical Radiology

These support medical students undertaking an elective period of study in clinical radiology in the UK or abroad. (To be completed before the end of 2025).

Undergraduate elective bursaries - Clinical Oncology

The bursaries are intended to support medical students wishing to undertake an elective period of study in clinical oncology in the UK or abroad and should be used for travel/accommodation and subsistence costs.

The clinical radiology undergraduate essay prize

The clinical radiology undergraduate essay prize is for an essay either on a topic relevant to clinical radiology or describing a personal experience of working in a department of clinical radiology during an elective period or vacation.

The clinical oncology undergraduate essay prize

The Essay Prize is for an essay either on a topic relevant to clinical oncology or describing personal experience of working in a department of clinical oncology during an elective period or vacation.

Our awards and honours

Find out more about all the different funded opportunities we offer to develop learning, research, travel and teaching, available at every stage of your medical career, whether you are still studying at university, in the midst of your specialty training or a fully qualified consultant.

Awards & honours