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Research bursary


Applications for the current round are now closed.


The Bursary is intended for a research project or furthering a radiological interest in the UK or abroad.

“This grant allowed completion of my first piece of research and was hugely important in career development…...” (2017 recipient)


Up to £5,000


The Bursary is open to Fellows and Members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology holding appointments in the UK.

“As a clinical radiologist with little previous research experience, this bursary has enabled me to develop a multitude of skills which will aid me in my career as both a clinician and researcher………..” (2018 recipient)

Any enquiries should be directed to [email protected] 

A list of past recipients of the bursaries is available.

A paper on the grants awarded under the above schemes between 2019-2022 is available.  

Please note that an applicant or co-applicant may only apply for ONE of the following awards in any given year: Kodak Fellowship; Research Bursary; Constance Thornton Fellowship or RCR Seed Grant. The assessment panel reserves the right to move an application into another award category if appropriate.

Find out about all our awards for research

Awards for research