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Kay & Durrant Visiting Fellowships


Applications for the current round are now closed. 


The RCR offers a variety of funded opportunities to develop learning, research, travel and teaching, available at every stage of your medical career. Two such opportunities are the Keith Durrant Memorial Fellowship and the RCR-Kay Visiting Fellowship award schemes which, from 2022, have now been combined into one annual award scheme to eliminate restrictions on eligibility and increase opportunities for our members.

The Kay and Durrant Fellowships are open to clinical oncologists at any grade who are members or Fellows of the RCR in good standing, resident in the United Kingdom and in active clinical NHS practice at the time of the award/visit. 


The Fellowships provide opportunities for clinical oncologists to visit major cancer centres overseas or in the UK with the aim of enabling successful applicants to gain experience of innovative techniques and practices in cancer care in order that these can lead to improvements in patient care and outcomes. The visits will contribute towards achieving the highest possible standard for a modern, world-class oncology service in the UK.


Funding of up to a maximum of £3,000 per Fellowship will be available1, financed by the Keith Durrant Memorial Fund and Mr Arthur Kay. All visits must be undertaken within 12 months of the award being offered. The successful applicant(s) will be required to submit a report to the Clinical Oncology Professional Support and Standards Board at the end of the Fellowship visit2, with a view to its publication on the College’s website, to inform the wider Fellowship about the visit. Further details of the terms and conditions of the Visiting Fellowship scheme are available.

1) This is intended to cover the costs of travel and accommodation only. It is not intended to cover daily living expenses or any additional costs incurred during the visit. If costs are estimated above £3,000, the additional sum is to be met by the applicant. All aspects of the claim must be strictly in accordance with the RCR Travel and Expenses policy.

2) If the successful applicant(s) is at a trainee grade, the post-visit report will also be submitted to the Clinical Oncology Speciality Training Board for information.


The Kay and Durrant Fellowships are open to clinical oncologists at any grade who are members or Fellows of the RCR in good standing, resident in the United Kingdom and in active clinical NHS practice at the time of the award/visit.

Guidance notes

Please read the terms and conditions before submitting your application.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for a Kay and Durrant Visiting Fellowship, please submit the following to the RCR:

  1. A brief CV and an explanation of why you are suitable for such a Fellowship
  2. A description of the proposed visit, including the name of the host Centre, the host lead consultant or professional, dates of the visit, and a summary of the aims/benefits you hope to achieve
  3. Evidence that the host Centre has agreed to the purpose of the visit and to host you as the Fellowship award holder for the specified time (i.e. a letter or email from the host confirming the arrangements).
  4. A budget plan, indicating estimated travel and accommodation costs up to but not exceeding £3,000.
  5. Two references from consultant clinical oncologists/Fellows of the RCR, one of whom should be the Head of the Department in which you are working.

All enquiries should be submitted to the Professional Practice Administrator.

Successful applicants of the Kay and Durrant Visiting Fellowships

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