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Awards for achievement

Outstanding candidates and exceptional contributions to the RCR’s work are acknowledged through various prizes, awards, and medals.

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Find below all the different awards available for achievement 

The Gold Award

The Gold Award (previously the Rohan Williams Medal) can be conferred on an outstanding candidate at each sitting of the Final Examination for the Fellowship. The award is made by the Specialty Training Board based on the recommendation of the Final FRCR Examiners.

The Radiology Resident Doctors Forum (RRDF) Trainer Award

The RRDF (formerly JRF) Trainer Award is presented annually to a UK-based clinical radiologist who has made an outstanding contribution to clinical radiology teaching and training at a local, regional or national level. 

The Editor's Medal

Endowed in 1990 by an anonymous donation, the Editor's Medal is presented to the first author of the best paper published in Clinical Radiology in a given year.

The Ella Preiskel Prize

Established in memory of the late Dr Ella Preiskel, this prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding paper on paediatric radiology published in Clinical Radiology.

The Ellis Barnett Prize

Endowed by Dr Ellis Barnett, this prize is awarded annually to the most outstanding paper with an ultrasound content published in Clinical Radiology.

The Frank Doyle Medal (radiology)

In 1984, Professor Frank Doyle generously endowed an award, which takes the form of a medal.

The Robert and Elma Kemp Harper Prize

Endowed by Dr Kemp Harper, a past-Honorary Secretary and Editor of the College, in memory of his wife Elma, this prize is awarded annually to the best paper on gastrointestinal radiology published in Clinical Radiology.

The Oncology Registrars Forum Trainer Award

Introduced in 2011, the ORF Trainer Award is presented annually to a UK-based clinical oncologist who has made an outstanding contribution to clinical oncology teaching and training at a local, regional or national level.

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