Quality of Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) portable chest x-rays (CXRs) [QSI Refs: XR-503, XR-505]
Assessing the quality of Special Care Baby Unit portable radiographs.
Portable chest x-rays taken in Special Care Baby Unit are often of poor quality when compared to images obtained in the main radiology department.
The Cycle
The standard:
Locally agreed standards:
- Correct referrer entered on Radiology Information System (RIS).
- Appropriate positioning, centering and coverage with no significant anatomical rotation of the image. No significant anatomical rotation of the image.
- Tip of the nasogastric tube visualised (if present).
- Image quality is diagnostic with all relevant structures visualised. All required anatomy visualised (lung apices to bases).
- Dose correctly recorded on RIS and is within local DRL.
- Anatomical marker in the primary beam.
100% for all relevant standards.
Assess local practice
% of Portable chest x-rays taken in Special Care Baby Unit regarded as sufficiently meeting the above standards assessed by a paediatric radiographer or paediatric radiologist.
Data items to be collected:
1. SCBU chest x-rays taken over 3-month period. 2. Evaluate images as per above standards.
Suggested number:
Aim for 50 portable chest x-rays taken in Special Care Baby Unit - site specific depending on size of SCBU unit.
Suggestions for change if target not met
- Feedback to SCBU/ Paeds team with results.
- Engage with SCBU re correct positioning of babies.
- Teaching/ simulation with radiographers to improve quality.
- Reporting radiologists to bring unsatisfactory images to the attention of the radiographers.
- Re audit in 6-12 months after training.
- Radiographer/Radiologist time: 20 hours.
- Access to RIS/PACS.
- Support from Clinical Systems for data collection.
- Audit department support for data analysis.
Zhang, X., Zhang, Y. Quality control of bedside DR in neonatal chest radiography using a chest stabilization device and its clinical application. BMC Pediatr 20, 345 (2020). -
Submitted by
Rachelle Meyer
Michele Reed