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RCR contributors: Contributor handbook



Welcome to The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) and thank you so much for giving your time voluntarily to further our work so together we can support excellence in medical imaging and cancer treatment.

At the RCR, many members and Fellows as well as other individuals give their time voluntarily to further our work in a huge variety of ways. We use the term Contributor to cover all those who give this time, and you will see it in any RCR policies and guidance documents that are relevant to you.

We hope that this handbook and the associated policies, procedures and guidance help you to get the most out of your experience as an RCR Contributor, while giving you reassurance that we have processes in place to ensure you get value from your input and that everyone is treated fairly.

Download this handbook as a PDF:


Who is this handbook for?

Contributors support the RCR by giving their time to carry out roles voluntarily which have been initiated by, or agreed by, the College. The Contributor relationship is based on trust and does not involve the obligations associated with employment. No payment, other than the reimbursement of agreed expenses, is made by the RCR to individuals who give their time as Contributors.

This handbook is for RCR Contributors who have accepted an agreed role with the College. It outlines the principles on which the relationship between Contributors and the RCR is based and provides basic information about contributing to our work.

1. Recruitment

At the RCR we welcome and respect the breadth of experience, skills, dedication and goodwill that Contributors bring. A selection process is carried out for most Contributor roles to ensure that applicants are suitable for the role in question.

2. Equal opportunities and diversity

We are committed to promoting equality and valuing diversity throughout all of our work and culture. We welcome a wide range of Contributors from diverse backgrounds. Our commitment to EDI is reflected throughout all our policies and practices as well as outlined in our Equality and Diversity Policy.

3. Induction

All Contributors will be provided with the suite of Contributor policies, procedures and any other relevant documentation as they join the RCR.

For those with more in-depth roles, this will be followed by an induction delivered by their staff contact. The aim of the induction is to make sure Contributors feel welcomed, comfortable and supported and to provide you with the opportunity to ask questions related to contributing at the RCR. It will also ensure that all Contributors have a clear understanding of their role and the expected behaviours and conduct required.

4. Support

We believe that Contributors should be supported throughout their time with us and are committed to ensuring appropriate support structures are in place. Each Contributor will have a dedicated staff contact who will be able to support and guide them during their time here.

5. Contributor expenses

Contributors should not be disadvantaged in any way by giving their time voluntarily to the RCR, including financially. We will reimburse all reasonable out-of-pocket expenses incurred through carrying out Contributor activities that are in line with our Travel and Expenses Policy.

6. Working together

We are committed to encouraging a supportive, inclusive and friendly environment for all our Contributors and staff. This can only happen when everyone is committed to working together effectively and collaboratively and in the spirit of our values. We therefore ask that everyone agrees to and adopts the following:

Our values

Behaviours that demonstrate our values

People focus

We treat everyone fairly and with respect, actively listening and responding appropriately, while recognising individual differences.

We will:

  • Keep it professional at all times
  • Make sure that everyone has their say
  • Not interrupt when others are talking
  • Listen and hear what is being said
  • Accept agreed ways forward in good faith
  • Work together in partnership to ensure that we serve our members and specialties in more efficient and effective ways
  • Respect and appreciate the skills and responsibilities of individuals
  • Work in a way that does not discriminate.


We are open, honest, and transparent. We strive to reflect and learn from experience in every area of our work to deliver the right outcome.

We will:

  • Accept and embrace change
  • Work together in the face of change for the good of our members and specialties, always working with the bigger picture in mind
  • Realise that there will be occasions where our personal views may be different than the majority and accept others' views graciously
  • Act responsibly and within the Contributor policies set out as well as the law.

Making a difference

We strive for excellence. We make a difference by setting standards and empowering our membership and our staff through personal development and lifelong learning.

We will:

  • Aim for high standards of efficiency, reliability and quality
  • Find different ways to look at things
  • Share experiences to come up with new or better ways of doing things from a positive position
  • Encourage and empower each other
  • Always have the best interest of our members, specialties and ultimately patients in mind.

We recognise that patients' best interests underpin everything we do, with equality, diversity and inclusion a core part of the College.

7. Problem solving

We are committed to ensuring that all Contributors have a positive and rewarding experience. Part of making this happen is recognising that problems can occur and ensuring that when they do, there is a fair, transparent and consistent process for resolving them.

Our Contributor Problem Solving Policy and Process provides a framework for resolving problems involving Contributors in an open, fair and timely manner. It is important that all Contributors feel confident about raising concerns and have a thorough understanding of the process should an issue involving them be raised.

8. Complaints

We are committed to ensuring all complaints are handled consistently and have a Complaints Procedure which covers complaints about the RCR, its services and its staff.

This procedure does not cover situations where a Contributor raises a complaint about another Contributor. In these situations, the Contributor Problem Solving Policy and Procedure should be used.

9. Whistleblowing

If you have concerns about any activity related to contributing or any activity of the RCR you can raise these in an anonymous way by reporting your concerns through our Whistleblowing Policy.

10. Health, safety and insurance

We are committed to ensuring your well being and safety whilst contributing to the RCR's work and, in turn, we expect you to contribute to maintaining a safe environment. All Contributors will be briefed on health and safety protocols when visiting the RCR's office and should take reasonable care to abide by this whilst on site.

We ask that all Contributors follow our Health and Safety Policy at all times whilst undertaking their RCR roles.

11. Gifts and hospitality

Occasionally, Contributors may be offered gifts, hospitality or some other benefit by those outside the RCR when contributing to our work. There may also be times where Contributors believe it is appropriate to offer a gift or hospitality to someone outside of the organisation. We therefore have a comprehensive Anti-bribery and Corporate Gifts Policy in place which outlines how Contributors must deal with the receipt or offers of gifts or hospitality.

12. Conduct

We expect high standards of conduct and personal integrity of our Contributors in the performance of their roles. Contributors must therefore ensure that they are familiar with the Contributor Code of Conduct and that their actions and behaviour comply with its provisions at all times.

13. Reward and recognition

We could not deliver our work without input from our Contributors and are committed to ensuring all those that contribute to the RCR are rewarded, recognised and valued appropriately across the organisation.