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Clinical oncology and medical oncology – working together


Following the dissolution of the Joint Collegiate Council for Oncology in spring 2024, discussions are under way between the RCR and the RCP to establish a new forum for intercollegiate liaison relating to matters such as training, workforce, service needs and resources for clinical and medical oncologists. Further information will be provided here as it becomes available. 

In the meantime, a new executive body – the Joint Working Group (JWG) - was established between the RCR’s CO Faculty and the Association of Cancer Physicians (ACP) in autumn 2023 to enable clinical oncology and medical oncology to discuss and deliver on key strategic and operational issues that are important to both specialties. These include workforce planning and development, exams and training, policy and strategy, service provision and development, educational and learning opportunities, professional guidance, and engaging with and supporting research.

At the outset it was agreed to review the work of the JWG after its first year of operation. A report, summarising achievements and progress during 2023/24, and plans for the future is available via the ACP website.

The JWG supports closer working between clinical oncology and medical oncology, and helps the two specialties to have a joint national (UK) perspective in support of service and specialty development, in the best interests of patient care.