Standing Welsh Committee
The Standing Welsh Committee represents the RCR in Wales ensuring that appropriate College matters are communicated to and discussed with clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists practising in Wales. It provides a forum for discussion to enable the views of those clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists to be conveyed to the appropriate Board of the RCR.
The Committee reports to the Trustee Board of the RCR.
- Dr O Nicholas
- Dr A Pandey
- Dr K Halliday (President)
- Dr S Harden (Vice-President of the RCR, Clinical Radiology)
- Dr A Poon-King (Member of the Oncology Registrars Forum Wales)
- Dr T Roques (Vice President CO)
- Dr E Sanders (JRF rep)
- Dr S Vaughan (Welsh Regional Postgraduate Education Adviser)
- Dr C Barrington (The SW Wales Centre of the South Wales Cancer Network)
- Dr C Goodwin (Cwn Taf Morgannwg Health Board)
- Dr P Govind (Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board)
- Dr N Morley (Velindre NHS Trust)
- Dr R Pallas (Cardiff & Vale University Health Board)
- Dr A Pandey (Aneurin Bevan Health Board, CR)
- Dr C Powell (The SE Wales Centre of the South Wales Cancer Network)
- Dr C Scrase (North Wales Cancer Network rep)
- Dr V Trainer (Swansea Bay University Health Board)
- Dr S Williams (Hywel Dda Health Board)
- Dr D Wardle (National Imaging Academy rep)
Terms of reference
The Standing Welsh Committee (the Committee) will represent the RCR in Wales ensuring that appropriate College matters are communicated to and discussed with clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists practising in Wales. It will provide a forum for discussion to enable the views of those clinical radiologists and clinical oncologists to be conveyed to the appropriate Board of the RCR.
The Committee will provide advice to NHS Wales and the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges in Wales such advice to be within the terms of reference set by the RCR and consistent with RCR policy overall.
The Committee will be responsible to the Council of the RCR through the Boards of the Faculties.
The Chairman of the Committee will be a Fellow practising in Wales, alternately a Clinical Oncologist and a Clinical Radiologist, and will be elected by postal ballot or other appropriate voting mechanism of the Fellows and members practising in Wales.
The Secretary of the Committee will be a Fellow practising in Wales, alternately a Clinical Oncologist and a Clinical Radiologist, and will be elected by postal ballot or other appropriate voting mechanism of the Fellows and members practising in Wales.
Nominees for these Offices will be proposed and seconded by Fellows of their own Faculty of the RCR practising in Wales, and will give written agreement to the nomination. If there is an election to Office from amongst elected members of the Committee, this will cause a casual vacancy in that category.
Office bearers will be expected to serve for a period of four years and will not be eligible for immediate re-election. Where possible the Chairman and Secretary will be from different Faculties and normally will retire at different times.
In addition the Committee will consist of the following:
- The President of the RCR, ex officio.
- The Deans of the Faculties of the RCR, ex officio.
- A member of the Oncology Registrars Forum and a member of the Junior Radiologists Forum, each ex officio and each to be practising in Wales.
- The Welsh Regional Postgraduate Education Advisers (Clinical Oncology, Clinical Radiology) of the RCR, ex officio.
- A Professor of Clinical Radiology (or equivalent) and a Professor of Clinical Oncology (or equivalent) who will each normally serve for a term of four years.
- A. One elected member, who will be a Clinical Oncologist, from each of the following:
1. The North Wales Cancer Network;
2. The SE Wales centre of the South Wales Cancer Network; and
3. The SW Wales centre of the South Wales Cancer Network.
B. One elected member, who will be a Clinical Radiologist, from each of the following:
1. Swansea Bay University Health Board;
2. Aneurin Bevan Health Board;
3. Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board;
4. Cardiff & Vale University Health Board;
5. Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board;
6. Hywel Dda Health Board; and
7. Velindre NHS Trust.
All these elected members will be Fellows or members of the RCR practising in Wales and having the majority of their sessions within the relevant Network, Health Board or Trust. They will, with their written consent, be nominated and seconded by Fellows of their own Faculty practising primarily within their Network, Health Board or Trust and will be elected by postal ballot or other appropriate voting mechanism of Fellows and members practising primarily in that Network, Health Board or Trust.
7. The RCR Clinical Radiology Regional Chairman – ex officio - for the duration of their term of office as Regional Chairman.
8. Up to three members who may be co-opted annually.
Casual vacancies in the elected membership will be filled by Clinical Oncologists or Clinical Radiologists (as appropriate) practising in the relevant Network, Health Board or Trust as described above and nominated by the Committee. This will be for the period until the following College Annual General Meeting, during which period an election should be held.
Ex officio members only may be represented by deputies; they will otherwise have the same rights and privileges as elected members.
Elected members (and members nominated to casual vacancies in that category), ex officio members (or their deputies) and Officers will have voting rights with a casting vote reserved for the Chairman if necessary. Exceptionally when matters of joint interest to Clinical Oncology and Clinical Radiology (such joint interest to be decided by the Chairman) are voted on and where the votes of all the Clinical Radiologist elected members are unanimous, no more than three votes will be allowed from the Clinical Radiologist elected members; this to be so until such time as there are more than three elected Clinical Oncologists.
Co-opted members will have the same rights and privileges as elected members except that they will not have voting rights.
Elections will be organised as necessary by the RCR and those elected will normally serve for four years. One Clinical Radiologist and one Clinical Oncologist will retire each year at the time of the RCR Annual General Meeting. A member retiring from the Committee will not be eligible for re-election until a period of one year has elapsed, with the exception of the professors, who may stand for re-election without a break.
One Clinical Oncologist and one Clinical Radiologist, each to be an Officer or elected member of the Committee, will be nominated by the Committee to serve on the Board of the appropriate Faculty.
Meetings will be held at least thrice yearly, normally in April, September and December, the dates of which will be agreed with the College. Normally, these would be held not less than two weeks before a Faculty Board meeting of the College.
Extraordinary meetings may be called at the request of the Council of the RCR or at the written request of five members of the Committee.
The Agenda for meetings will be prepared by the Chairman and Secretary of the Committee. Notice of the dates of meetings, together with the agenda, will be circulated to members of the Committee at least two weeks prior to the next meeting.
The Secretary of the Committee will be responsible for recording of proceeding and preparation of minutes. The unconfirmed minutes will be presented to the next meeting of the Boards of Faculties of the RCR.
All appropriate recommendations of the Committee will be submitted to the Board of the Faculties of the RCR for their consideration and approval.
The unconfirmed minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Committee.
The minutes of the Boards of Faculties of Clinical Radiology and Clinical Oncology will be circulated to the Committee.
Amendments to this constitution can only be made by the Council of the RCR acting on its own behalf or upon the recommendation of the Committee.
Approved by Council
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