RCR Learning Strategic Board
LEARN MOREThe RCR Learning Strategic Board supports the ongoing development and delivery of high-quality learning and development courses offered by the RCR to its UK and global members.
The Strategic Board Members play an active role in developing the RCR Learning annual events programme for clinical radiologists, clinical oncologists and allied healthcare professionals at all stages of their career, offering a range of CPD learning activities (events
and courses, delivered in-person, online and in hybrid settings). The Strategic Board has members representing trainees from the Oncology Registrars’ Form (ORF) and the Junior Radiologists’ Forum (JRF)
Dr S Harden (Vice-President, Clinical Radiology)
Dr T Roques (Vice-President, Clinical Oncology)
Dr A Ali (Trainee, Clinical Radiology)
Dr A Cameron (e-Learning Lead, Clinical Oncology)
Dr F Kilburn-Toppin (e-Learning Lead, Clinical Radiology)
Professor R Johnson (Learning Lead, Clinical Radiology)
Dr D Johnston, (Trainee, Clinical Oncology)
Dr A Taylor (Learning Lead, Clinical Oncology)
Terms of reference
The RCR Learning Strategic Board reports to the Clinical Radiology and Clinical Oncology Faculty Leadership Teams.
1. Overall purpose
The RCR Learning Strategic Board is responsible for:
- Setting and overseeing the strategic direction of RCR Learning, providing a forum for discussion of the educational strategy for live courses, conferences, blended learning and e-learning, and ensuring it is aligned with the RCR’s wider organisational objectives.
2. Responsibilities
The RCR Learning Strategic Board is responsible for:
- Reviewing and updating the three-year RCR Learning strategy (to be approved by Faculty Leadership Teams)
- Overall responsibility of delivering the three-year RCR Learning strategy and supporting Learning Faculty Leadership Groups for both e-learning and live/blended courses to align with the strategic objectives.
- Where necessary, reviewing and deciding proposals for educational resources (such as events, courses, e-learning modules), utilising the qualification process of business and clinical need, to ensure RCR Learning grows in a way which aligns with the overall financial strategy for the team.
- Setting the priorities for the delivery of education resources, identifying key areas of development.
- Representing the interests of all members and Fellows and developing an annual programme of educational resources that meets their learning needs.
- Identifying opportunities and ways of working, including with partner organisations.
- Establishing and advising on the strategy to demonstrate that the RCR Learning hub is the go-to resource for online Clinical Radiology and Clinical Oncology learning globally.
- Identifying and reviewing opportunities to develop educational resources on a global scale.
- Agreeing, assessing and monitoring the impact of new educational resources.
- Supporting the commercial growth of corporate partnerships, actively identifying opportunities for sponsorship and promoting within networks.
3. Learning Faculty Leadership Groups
The Learning Faculty Leadership Groups (LFLGs) are responsible for supporting the ongoing development and delivery of the high-quality portfolio of learning and development opportunities offered by the RCR to its members in the UK and around the world. The LFLGs report to the RCR Learning Strategic Board.
There are four Learning Faculty Leadership Groups
- Learning Faculty Leadership Group Clinical Radiology
- Learning Faculty Leadership Group Clinical Oncology
- e-Learning Faculty Leadership Group Clinical Radiology
- e-Learning Faculty Leadership Group Clinical Oncology
4. Membership
The RCR Learning Strategic Board comprises eight members.
There shall be eight ex-officio members:
- Vice-President Clinical Oncology
- Vice-President Clinical Radiology
- Learning Lead Clinical Oncology
- E-learning Lead Clinical Oncology
- Learning Lead Clinical Radiology
- E-learning Lead Clinical Radiology
- Junior Radiologists Forum (JRF) representative
- Oncology Registrars Forum (ORF) representative
All ex officio members are eligible to vote.
In addition, all other RCR Officers have the right to attend meetings of the Strategic Board, but it is not a requirement of office, and they are not eligible to vote.
The Learning Leads and e-Learning Leads chair the respective Learning Faculty Leadership Groups.
The ORF and JRF members represent the interests of the trainees from each faculty.
5. Chair
The RCR Learning Strategic Board is co-chaired by the Vice-President, Clinical Oncology and the Vice-President, Clinical Radiology.
The duties of the Co-chairs include:
- Chairing all meetings on a rotational basis or as agreed between the co-Chairs
- Agreeing agenda and meeting papers
- Ensuring that the terms of reference are observed
- Engaging all members of the RCR Learning Strategic Board in the work of the Board in accordance with the RCR’s values
- Ensuring that all conflicts of interest are appropriately managed and recorded
- Ensuring that accurate meeting records are maintained
- Reporting to the Clinical Radiology and Clinical Oncology Faculty Leadership Teams on behalf of the RCR Learning Strategic Board.
6. Operation
- Three members with at least one from each Faculty and one Vice-President shall form a quorum.
- The RCR Learning Strategic Board will meet three times per year.
- Meetings will be held in person or by remote attendance.
- Board members may be called upon to consider or determine matters electronically between meetings and are expected to contribute to such considerations or decisions as part of their duties as members.
- Board members must not speak on or behalf of the College unless authorised to do so.
- Members will comply with the provisions of the UK GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018 as regards processing of any personal data where it is made available to them as part of their work.
- All matters decided by a vote of the RCR Learning Strategic Board must be by a majority, which must include at least one of the Vice-Presidents.