Journals Board
The Journals Board has delegated authority to advise the Trustee Board on matters that fall within its terms of reference, providing high level strategic oversight and advice to the Trustee Board on the direction and delivery of its journals. This includes agreeing and monitoring the journals’ strategic aims including financial performance, making decisions on key aspects of the journals and identifying opportunities and threats to the journals.
- Dr Q Malik (Medical Director, Membership and Business)
- Dr S Harden (Vice-President, Clinical Radiology)
- Dr T Roques (Vice-President, Clinical Oncology)
- Professor A Rajesh (Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Radiology)
- Professor T V Ajithkumar (Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Oncology)
- Dr R Sinha (Co Editor-in-Chief of RCR Open)
- Dr N Joseph (Co Editor-in-Chief of RCR Open)
- Ms G Malley (Executive Director, Communications)
Terms of reference
The primary responsibilities of the Journals Board include:
- Reviewing the strategic aims of the journals
- Considering proposed changes to the journals; particularly regarding content, design and functionality
- Considering editorial challenges and opportunities
- Supporting Editor recruitment
- Responding to challenges facing the journals
- Responding to opportunities – e.g. new journal proposals, etc.
- Reviewing the financial performance of the journals
- Ensuring a joined up ‘cross-journal’ editorial and strategic approach
The Journals Board will report to the Trustee Board at least once a year to inform it of the progress, achievements and challenges in the Journals’ objectives and activities.
- Ex officio members of the Journals Board are:
- The Medical Director, Membership and Business
- The Clinical Radiology Vice-President
- The Clinical Oncology Vice-President
- The Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Radiology
- The Editor-in-Chief of Clinical Oncology
- The Co Editors-in-Chief of RCR Open
- The Executive Director of Communications
- The Chair of the Journals Board is the Medical Director, Membership and Business
- The Journals Board will meet at least twice a year
- The quorum shall be four members, to include at least one Officer and two Editors
- Meetings may he held in person or by virtual means/remote attendance
- Members may be called upon to consider or determine matters electronically between meetings and are expected to contribute to such considerations or decisions as part of their duties
- In line with board and committee policy, members will not speak on or on behalf of the College unless directly authorised to do so by the Chair of the Journals Board
- Members will abide by any stated or implied confidentiality that attaches to the work of the committee during or after any period of membership
- Members will comply with the provisions of the UK General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018 as regards any personal data where it is made available to them as part of their work.
Approved: April 2024
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