Radiology Resident Doctors Forum (RRDF)
The Radiology Resident Doctors Forum (RRDF) - formerly the Junior Radiologists Forum (JRF), is an elected body of residents doctors. It represents the interests of all clinical radiology residents within the College and facilitates communication, as well as ensuring the involvement of residents in the College's work.
LEARN MOREThe Radiology Resident Doctors Forum (RRDF) serves as a source of support, resources, and guidance for our residents doctors while contributing to the College’s quality assurance of training.
The RRDF is composed of one democratically elected representative from each training programme in the UK, along with national representatives for less than full-time and academic, residents. The RRDF meet twice a year and is led by an elected Chair and Executive Committee. The Medical Director for Education and Training is invited to all meetings of the RRDF.
For full details on the RRDF’s role and responsibilities, please refer to the terms of reference.
- Bristol: Vacant
- Cambridge: Vacant
- East of Scotland: Aaron Taylor JRF Executive
- Essex & Bedfordshire: Azhar Ali JRF Executive
- Hull & East Yorkshire: Neehan Khalid
- Kent: Kevin Pinto
- Leeds/Bradford: Vacant
- Leicester: Alex Eskenazi
- London:
- Chelsea & Westminster Hospital: Monisha Purokayastha
- Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospitals: Usman Goga
- Imperial Hospitals: Ramal Gnanasekaran
- King’s College Hospital: Honida Mansour, JRF Executive
- Northwick Park Hospital: Yasser Al-Obudi
- Royal Free Hospital: Ruhaid Khurram, James Fish, JRF Executive
- St Bartholomew’s & the Royal London Hospitals: Vacant
- St George’s Hospital: Gabie Reif
- University College Hospital: Sophie Wilkinson, Vice-chair
- Manchester: Vacant
- Mersey: Jack Macleod
- Northern: Amy Verrinder
- North of Scotland: Vacant
- North Staffordshire: Vacant
- North Wales: Yash Achhapalia
- Northern Ireland: Anna Blackburn
- Norwich: Mohamed Osman
- Nottingham: Lee Warburton, JRF Executive
- Oxford: Huw Oliver, Alex Chan
- Plymouth & Peninsula: Vaishnavi Reddy
- Portsmouth: Scot Robertson, JRF Executive
- Sheffield: Vacant
- South East Scotland: Rohan Banerjee
- South Wales: Emma Sanders
- Southampton: Chloe Sew Hee
- Surrey: Vacant
- Sussex: Lydia Earnshaw
- West Midlands: Marcus Belasco, JRF Executive
- West of Scotland: Fraser Rae
- National:
- Less Than Full Time Trainees: Lindsey Bulleid
- Academic Trainees: Naomi Sakai
- Interventional Radiology: Frances Sheehan
Terms of reference
- To represent the interests of juniors within the College by appointing JRF representatives to sit on the Specialty Training Board, Board of Faculty and any other sub committees as deemed appropriate. Particular focus should be on training, examinations, career structure and the long-term development of the specialty in line with the forward plan of the College.
- To aid the dissipation of information from the College through JRF representatives to juniors nationwide and to provide a channel for the juniors nationwide to have their voice heard at the College.
- To foster relationships with the Members and Fellows of the Royal College of Radiologists and with other Royal Colleges and societies, such as the European Society of Radiology and the Society of Radiologists in Training.
- To maintain links with the Oncology Registrars' Forum.
- To involve juniors in the work of the College and to make the College more accessible.
- The JRF will comprise one representative from each of the training schemes in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. There will also be a representative of the less than full time trainees and a representative of the academic trainees.
- An Executive Committee will be appointed from the JRF members. The JRF Executive Committee will consist of six members. It will have a Chair and a Vice-Chair. Geographical diversity is encouraged; ideally the committee should include at least one member from a training scheme outside of England.
- The Medical Director, Education and Training of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology will attend both Executive and JRF meetings ex officio.
Appointment of Representatives
- Training Scheme Representatives
- The process to appoint a training scheme representative will be initiated at least once every two years and sooner should the incumbent representative step down or the post become vacant for another reason.
- All those members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology who hold substantive training posts in the relevant training scheme will be eligible to stand.
- The JRF Secretariat will maintain a record of each training scheme representative’s term of office. The Secretariat will notify each representative three months before their term of office is due to end and initiate the process to appoint a successor.
- When an appointment needs to be effected, expressions of interest will be sought from all those entitled to stand. If there is only a single candidate he or she will be appointed on the approval of the JRF Chair; if there is more than one candidate, an election will be held in accordance with the process laid out below.
- Training scheme representatives will be appointed for a period of two years; if eligible (subject to (vi) and (vii) below) they may stand for re appointment to serve for a further two years. However, the post should also be advertised to all trainees on the relevant training scheme. If there is more than one volunteer interested in the position, then an election will be held.
- Training scheme representatives may continue to serve for up to six months following their CCT due date, if using their period of grace, and as long as they remain in a training post (subject to (vii) below).
- Training scheme representatives may not continue to serve if they leave the training scheme that they were appointed to represent.
- Should a training scheme representative wish to demit office early, they must provide written notice to the JRF Secretariat at least three months in advance of the proposed conclusion date for their term of office. This length of notice may be waived by the JRF Chair in exceptional circumstances.
- Less Than Full Time Trainees' Representative
- The process to appoint the representative of the less than full time trainees will be initiated at least once every two years and sooner should the incumbent representative step down or the post become vacant for another reason.
- All those members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology who hold substantive less than full time training posts in the UK will be eligible to stand.
- The JRF Secretariat will maintain a record of the term of office of the representative of the less than full time trainees. The Secretariat will notify the representative three months before their term of office is due to end and initiate the process to appoint a successor.
- When an appointment needs to be effected, expressions of interest will be sought from all those entitled to stand. If there is only a single candidate he or she will be appointed on the approval of the JRF Chair; if there is more than one candidate, an election will be held in accordance with the process laid out below.
- The representative of the less than full time trainees will be appointed for a period of two years; if eligible (subject to (vi) and (vii) below) they may stand for re appointment to serve for a further two years. However, the post should also be advertised to all relevant trainees. If there is more than one volunteer interested in the position, then an election will be held.
- The representative of the less than full time trainees may continue to serve for up to six months following their CCT due date, if using their period of grace, and as long as they remain in a training post (subject to (vii) below).
- The representative of the less than full time trainees may not continue to serve if they cease to train on a less than full time basis.
- Should the representative of the less than full time trainees wish to demit office early, they must provide written notice to the JRF Secretariat at least three months in advance of the proposed conclusion date for their term of office. This length of notice may be waived by the JRF Chair in exceptional circumstances.
- Academic Trainee Representative
- The process to appoint the representative of the academic trainees will be initiated at least once every two years and sooner should the incumbent representative step down or the post become vacant for another reason.
- All those members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology who hold substantive academic training posts in the UK will be eligible to stand.
- The JRF Secretariat will maintain a record of the term of office of the representative of the academic trainees. The Secretariat will notify the representative three months before their term of office is due to end and initiate the process to appoint a successor.
- When an appointment needs to be effected, expressions of interest will be sought from all those entitled to stand. If there is only a single candidate he or she will be appointed on the approval of the JRF Chair; if there is more than one candidate, an election will be held in accordance with the process laid out below.
- The representative of the academic trainees will be appointed for a period of two years; if eligible (subject to (vi) and (vii) below) they may stand for re appointment to serve for a further two years. However, the post should also be advertised to all relevant trainees. If there is more than one volunteer interested in the position, then an election will be held.
- The representative of the academic trainees may continue to serve for up to six months following their CCT due date, if using their period of grace, and as long as they remain in a training post (subject to (vii) below).
- The representative of the academic trainees may not continue to serve if they cease to train on an academic basis.
- Should the representative of the academic trainees wish to demit office early, they must provide written notice to the JRF Secretariat at least three months in advance of the proposed conclusion date for their term of office. This length of notice may be waived by the JRF Chair in exceptional circumstances.
- JRF Executive Committee Members
- Members of the JRF will appoint the members of the JRF Executive Committee.
- All JRF members will be eligible to be appointed as a member of the JRF Executive Committee.
- The JRF Secretariat will keep a record of the terms of office of all JRF Executive Committee members. The Secretariat will notify each three months before their term of office is due to end and initiate the process to appoint a successor.
- When an appointment needs to be effected, expressions of interest to serve will be sought from all those eligible to stand. If there is only a single candidate he or she will be appointed on the approval of the JRF Chair; if there is more than one candidate, an election will be held in accordance with the process laid out below.
- Members of the JRF Executive Committee will be appointed for a period of two years; they may stand for re appointment on yearly basis thereafter for the duration of their term of office on the JRF. The maximum tenure of four years for the JRF may be extended by a year if appropriate, in the interests of providing continuity on the Executive Committee. If appointed to the Executive committee within the first two years of their tenure on the JRF, the member’s term on the JRF may be extended by a year (making the initial term on the JRF three years) without having to go through the election procedure detailed in 3(a)(v).
- Should a member of the JRF Executive Committee wish to demit office early, they must provide written notice to the JRF Secretariat at least three months in advance of the proposed conclusion date for their term of office. This length of notice may be waived by the JRF Chair in exceptional circumstances.
- JRF Chair and Vice-Chair
- The members of the JRF Executive Committee will appoint a Chair and Vice Chair.
- All members of the JRF Executive Committee will be eligible to be appointed as Chair or Vice-Chair.
- The JRF Secretariat will keep a record of the terms of office of the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Secretariat will notify each three months before their term of office is due to end and initiate the process to appoint a successor.
- When an appointment needs to be effected, expressions of interest will be sought from all those eligible to stand. If there is only a single candidate he or she will be appointed on the approval of the JRF Chair; if there is more than one candidate, an election will be held in accordance with the process laid out below.
- The Chair and Vice-Chair will be appointed for a period of two years. The Chair and Vice Chair’s tenure on the JRF may be extended by up to one year, if appropriate, should it expire before their term as Chair/Vice Chair is up.
- Should the JRF Chair or Vice-Chair wish to demit office early, they must provide written notice to the JRF Secretariat at least three months in advance of the proposed conclusion date for their term of office. This length of notice may be waived by the JRF Chair (or Vice-Chair in the case of the Chair) in exceptional circumstances.
Election procedures
- An election shall be held if more than one candidate wishes to stand for appointment as a training scheme representative, the representative of the less than full time trainees or the academic trainees, a member of the JRF Executive Committee, the JRF Chair or the JRF Vice-Chair.
- If a vacancy arises other than at the conclusion of the incumbent's standard term of office, appointment of a replacement will be initiated by the Chair through the JRF Secretariat.
- Those eligible to vote in elections will be as listed below.
- For a training scheme representative: all members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology who hold substantive training posts within the relevant training scheme.
- For the less than full time trainees' representative: all members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology who hold substantive less than full time training posts within UK training schemes.
- For the academic trainees' representative: all members of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology who hold substantive academic training posts within UK training schemes.
- For a member of the JRF Executive Committee: all members of the JRF.
- For the JRF Chair or Vice-Chair: all members of the JRF Executive Committee (including those not in attendance if the vote is to be conducted at a meeting).
- Elections will be held by ballot under such voting system and in such a manner (including, if appropriate, the use of electronic means) as the JRF may decide.
- A ballot will be provided to each person entitled to vote in the election. Ballots conducted outside of meetings will specify the address to which they are to be returned (which will usually be by email to the JRF Secretariat) and the closing date for receipt. Ballots received after the closing date will not be counted.
- In the event of an equality of votes there will not be a second ballot. For the appointment of a training scheme representative, the less than full time trainees' representative or the academic trainees’ representative, the incumbent representative will have the deciding vote. For the appointment of members of the JRF Executive Committee, the Chair or the Vice-Chair, the incumbent Chair will have the deciding vote.
- The result of all elections will be advised to the JRF members as soon as is practicable and will be published on the JRF website.
- The accidental omission to seek expressions of interest from, or provide a ballot to, any person entitled to receive them will not invalidate any election.
Representation on other boards
- Standing Committee Representation
- The representatives of the Scottish training schemes will appoint one of their number to serve on the Scottish Standing Committee. The representatives of the Welsh training schemes will appoint one of their number of serve on the Welsh Standing Committee. The representative of the Northern Ireland Scheme will serve on the Northern Ireland Standing Committee.
- Standing Committee representatives will serve for a period of two years, or for as long as their term of office on the JRF if shorter, and shall be eligible for re election on a yearly basis thereafter for the duration of their term of office on the JRF.
- College Board and Sub-Committee Representation
- The JRF Executive Committee members will appoint one of their number to serve on the
- Specialty Training Board (should normally be the Chair)
- Board of Faculty (should normally be the Vice-Chair)
- Scientific Programme Committee
- The JRF Executive Committee members will appoint representatives for other College committee, sub-committees and working parties etc (including the Audit Sub-Committee and the Research Sub-Committee) when invited to so do and as considered appropriate by the JRF Executive Committee.
- College board and sub-committee representatives will serve for a period of two years, or for as long as their term of office on the JRF if shorter, and shall be eligible for re election on a yearly basis thereafter for the duration of their term of office on the JRF.
- Frequency
- The JRF and the JRF Executive Committee will each meet twice a year.
- The JRF or the JRF Executive Committee may be convened to meet at other times by the Chair, Vice-Chair or by five JRF representatives sending written notice (at least six weeks) to the Secretariat and all JRF members.
- An agenda and relevant supporting papers will be circulated to the expected attendees not less than two weeks before the meeting date.
- Voting Rights
- JRF members will each have one vote.
- If a representative is unable to attend a JRF meeting, they may appoint another member of their training scheme (or another less than full time trainee or academic trainee in the case of the representative of the less than full time trainees or the academic trainees) to attend in their place. The proxy will have the same voting rights. The appointment of a proxy must be notified to the JRF Secretariat as far in advance of the meeting as possible.
- Attendance and Quorum
- The JRF Secretariat will maintain records of attendance.
- If a representative of the JRF or a JRF Executive Committee member misses two consecutive meetings the Chair will contact the representative or member to ask for an explanation and future intentions. In the absence of a satisfactory reply, a temporary replacement may be appointed. The formal process to appoint a permanent replacement will be initiated at the earliest opportunity.
- At a meeting of the JRF, 15 representatives shall form a quorum. At meetings of the JRF Executive Committee, three members shall form a quorum.
- Each appointed JRF member will be able to propose changes to the composition, method of election and powers of the JRF. Such proposals must be discussed and agreed in principle at a JRF meeting and then agreed by the majority of those attending a subsequent meeting of the Forum. Changes thus agreed shall be presented to the Specialty Training Board for ratification before taking effect.
- If a JRF representative or Executive Committee Member proves unable to carry out the necessary work of the Forum and/or has a poor attendance record, the Executive shall have the power to initiate the process to appoint a replacement as laid out above.
- Training scheme representatives will be responsible for informing the Warden of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology about any situation that might necessitate further investigation to address serious inadequacies in training. This should have been discussed initially with the head of the training scheme and deanery and local solutions sought. Robust documentary evidence will need to be provided.
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