Curriculum Committee (Clinical Oncology)
As part of this remit, the committee reviews and develops methods of workplace based assessment to support training, advises on the use of the ePortfolio and develops and reviews supporting documents and materials relevant to the curriculum.
The committee reports to the Medical Director, Education and Training, and the Specialty Training Board under his or her Chairmanship. While the membership is drawn largely from the membership of the Specialty Training Board, additional members with specific expertise can be co-opted as necessary. A member of the Oncology Registrars' Forum and a lay representative are co-opted.
Full details of the Committee's remit can be found in the terms of reference.
- Dr G Lumsden
- Ms Godsell
- Dr H Boyce (ORF co-chair)
- Dr T Charlton (ORF Representative)
- Dr K Crawford
- Dr N Pasha (Curriculum Fellow)
- Dr K Clarke
- Dr J Coote
- Dr K Crawford
- Dr K Lankester
- Dr R Shakir
- Dr J Simpson
- Dr K Tipples
- Dr N Walji
Terms of reference
The Curriculum Committee is concerned with the maintenance and implementation of the Clinical Oncology Specialty Training Curriculum in line with the standards required by the GMC.
The Curriculum Committee reports to the Medical Director, Education and Training, Clinical Oncology and the Specialty Training Board under his or her Chairmanship. It must refer to Specialty Training Board all matters relevant to College policy and regulations, as advised by the Medical Director. The Chair of the Curriculum Committee is an appointed or elected member of the Specialty Training Board.
The role of the committee
- To review, maintain and update the specialty training curriculum for Clinical Oncology in line with the standards required by the GMC
- To review and develop methods of workplace-based assessment (WpBA) to support training as defined by the published curriculum and meeting the standards of assessment required by the GMC
- To review and develop supporting documents and materials relating to the curriculum and WpBA.
- To advise on the use of the ePortfolio to support the curriculum and WpBA.
- To report to the Specialty Training Board on all matters pertaining to the curriculum and WpBA
- Chair – appointed for a three year period by and from the membership of the Specialty Training Board.
- The membership of the Curriculum Committee will be drawn largely from the membership of the Specialty Training Board, up to a total of 6 individuals. All members will be consultant Clinical Oncologists, practising in the NHS, in good standing with the RCR, who have experience of postgraduate training and an interest in curricula and assessment.
- Additional individuals with specific expertise may be co-opted on to the Committee if required.
- Ex-officio members will be the Medical Director, Education and Training, Clinical Oncology.]
- A representative of the Oncology Registrars’ Forum
- A lay representative.
- The Fellowship Examination Board Chair can attend meetings as required.
Term of Office
The term of office for appointed members will be three years and will coincide with their term of office on the Specialty Training Board.
Meetings will take place up to 3 times per year, as and when required.
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