Faculty Board of Clinical Radiology
The Board of the Faculty of Clinical Radiology (CR) serves as the members’ voice, providing scrutiny and constructive challenge to the Leadership of the Faculty.
The Board comprises six elected members, representatives of the devolved nations’ Standing Committees and the Chair of the Junior Radiologists’ Forum. Up to two members may be co-opted if the Board of the Faculty considers that particular sections of the membership are under-represented.
For any queries regarding the Board of the Faculty, please contact the Clinical Radiology Executive Officer.
- Dr T Cleveland
- Dr J Hopkins
- Dr J Kasznia-Brown
- Dr J Taylor
- Prof T Wah (Chair)
- Dr J Anderson (Standing Scottish Committee)
- Dr A Pandey (Standing Welsh Committee)
- Dr A Taylor (Junior Radiologists' Forum)
Terms of reference
Clinical Radiology Faculty Board: Terms of Reference
Overall purpose
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Board serves as the members’ voice, scrutinising the strategic decisions taken by the Clinical Radiology Faculty Leadership Team.
- The role of Clinical Radiology Faculty Board is to scrutinise and constructively challenge the Leadership of the Faculty.
- It is a forum for discussion of matters relevant to the Faculty.
- The Board may be invited to lead projects or workstreams as requested by the Clinical Radiology Faculty Leadership Team.
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Board will have a minimum of 10 members and a maximum of 12. By-Law 35 governs and defines the membership as follows:
- Six Elected members
- Chair or Secretary of each Devolved Nation Committee from the relevant Faculty
- Chair of the Junior Radiologists’ Forum
- Up to two co-opted members, as outlined below.
- Elected members shall serve a three-year term.
- An Elected Clinical Radiology Faculty Board member shall cease to hold office:
- if they cease to be a member of the College,
- if by notice to the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board, they resign from office,
- if, in the opinion of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board, they become incapable of performing their duties for physical or mental reasons, or
- if they fail to attend two consecutive meetings of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board without providing an explanation which the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board considers satisfactory.
- Up to two members may be co-opted, if the Board considers that particular sections of the membership are under-represented on the Board. This is at the discretion of the Board and if it determines that there is no under-representation it shall be under no obligation to make any co-options. Co-opted members will serve for such period of office as the Board considers appropriate.
The role of the Chair
- The Chair of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board is elected by members of the Board from among the elected members.
- The Chair will usually serve for three years or the duration of their substantive term on the Board, whichever is shorter.
- The Chair will be supported by relevant staff to prepare for each Board meeting.
- The duties of the Chair include:
- chairing all meetings,
- ensuring that the purpose and terms of reference are observed,
- agreeing the agenda for the meetings,
- engaging all members of the Board in the work being done,
- ensuring that Minutes of meetings are shared with the Trustee Board.
- In the absence of the Chair, with the agreement of the Board, another Elected Member of the Board may take the Chair for the meeting.
- The Chair of Clinical Radiology Faculty Board will also serve ex-officio as either Chair or Vice-Chair of Council.
- The Clinical Radiology Faculty Board will usually meet at least two times per year on dates to be agreed.
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Officers and members of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Leadership Team will attend meetings of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board.
- Meetings may be held in person or by virtual means/remote attendance.
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Board may reach decisions by any suitable means of communication between members.
- At meetings of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board, one-third of the members plus one shall form a quorum.
- All Clinical Radiology Faculty Board members are eligible to vote.
- Minutes of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board meetings will be kept and submitted to the Trustee Board.
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Board members will not speak on behalf of the College unless authorised to do so.
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Board members will abide by any stated or implied confidentiality that attaches to the work of the Clinical Radiology Faculty Board during or after any period of membership.
- Clinical Radiology Faculty Board members will comply with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 as regards processing (as defined in the Act) of any personal data where it is made available to them as part of their work.
Approved by Trustee Board: September 2024
Review date: September 2025
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